Fabulous Singlettes



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Sound -click here to play 'Be my baby'
Video -click here to view a short clip of The fabulous singlettes performing all over the world.

(If you don't have windows media player you can click & install here).


The Fabulous Singlettes are a playful, three-woman, post-modern musical celebration of some of the greatest hits of the 60's & 70's.

Naomi Eyers ("As she moved through the crowd singing '..., four men in my row fainted." The Age)

Melissa Langton ("...a knock-out voice, impeccable comic timing" The Age) and

Melissa McCaig ("..Powerful, sassy performer "SMH) sing up a storm, plus of course dance moves to die for, frocks galore and beehives that are a triumph of hairspray over gravity. But it's the impeccable harmonies and sly, camp humour that have made this mega-girl group a hit all over the world. Yes, The Singlettes have been there and done that--from Sydney to London, Hong Kong to Berlin, and Vienna to Verona--spanning their own TV specials, Royal Variety Shows, and London's West End, and reaping a slew of awards and rave reviews along the way.

The girls neatly exhume the bodies of a glorious era that had most of America's women performers staggering under the weight of hair-do's and lashings of mascara. And though we may have forgotten some of the names of the girls groups, the songs stay with us forever. Songs of pure pop, celebrating innocence, love, life and above all boys. Songs of longing and desire and the promise of living happily ever after with one true love - provided of course he doesn't end up being pulled from a motor bike wreck.

But the girls have moved on from their earnest beginnings fifteen years ago. The Fabulous Singlettes jump head-long into the disco era of the 70's - when pop music meant ABBA and the age of innocence was already being subverted by anthems such as the sexual knowing LaBelle's 'Lady Marmalade' and Helen Reddy's 'I Am Woman'. Though the songs and the attitude may have changed--from pre-feminist beehives and bobby-sox to bra-burning and botox-- the girls still pack' em in and leave 'em cheering for more wherever they perform.



Press quotation London

Fabulous Singlettes in Picadilly Theatre / London

"There is no escaping from enjoying yourself"
City Limits

"The swinging 60s live on! And the revival is being led by a blistering trio of fun-loving girls, The Fabulous Singlettes. With their own blend of charm and comedy they pound out the sound of the Supremes and the Ronnettes with sheer delight. They are simply unforgettable. And like the chartbusters this trio is going to be around for a long, long time."
Ivan Waterman, News of The World

"A welcome, warm, sprightly and melodious night out"
The Times, London

" They harmonise impeccably and any one if them is capable of singing a lead song. Great songs!"
Adam Sweeting, The Guardian

"The Singlettes do justice to every doo-lang and shoop-shoop....they're likeable, talented and warmly recommended"
Mark Steyn, The Independant

Time Out

"The Fabulous Singlettes, with their hairdos, shifts and stillettos are a kitsch composite of all those girl groups. Their irrepressible frolics in "Stop in The Name Of Love" are an irresistible summer tonic.
They could sing the designer labels off any contemporary girl pop group outfits."
Spencer Bright, The Evening Standard

"The show is no more, no less a glorious extravaganza"
The Sunday Times


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